I AM IN LOVE with Lean Cuisines. I haven't tried all of them yet but I plan on it in the near future. They count the calories for you which always makes me feel better when I eat those several cookies or pieces of cake after work. I always have a stock pile of Lean Cuisines in the freezer. My absolute favorite is the Chicken Potstickers in the steamer bag. OH wowey. They really are restaurant quality and do not taste low-cal or low-fat AT ALL.
They have over 90 different meals and seriously--I never met a Lean Cuisine that I didn't absolutely LOVE.
Since I failed my New Years resolution after Day 2, I decided to use my passion for Lean Cuisines to help me lose weight or at least attempt to eat more sensibly. I make a green smoothie for breakfast and a Lean Cuisine for lunch, then a "sensible" dinner. Sensible isn't slathering it in butter and cheese.
I love food and hate working out.
HATE IT. The End.
I do green smoothies everymorning too! I love your blog!